2g: Related Items

2g is now capable of including related items within the selling process. Related items or companion products are additional items from other catalogs within 2g that are introduced along with items currently being configured and relate well with one another. Exterior Doors and Entry Locks and Sill Pans are just one example.

Related items included in the configured item are part of the question answer pairs of the item and will exhibit the same behavior as any other configured item within 2g. For example if you create an entry door with a lock and Save and Copy that item, the Lock will be Saved and Copied along with the original item. Related items will Cost according to the discount provided to the Dealer from Reeb, but will Sell at the same price as the originating item. Pricing Template maintenance is not required.

We will continue to enhance the experience and build out additional item relationships. Related items will appear in catalogs as we update catalogs. Existing Projects will update according to the current update rules. Related Items will code as individual line items on order confirmations. One door with a lock and sill pan will show 3 lines on the confirmation. It will only show as 1 line for Dealers that have integrated 2g with their own ERP System.

A new answer of “Entry Lock” was added and the question was changed from “Multi-Point” to “Lock Options”.

When you select “Entry Lock,” the Bore options are still constrained by the Door Model selection. In this example, double bore was selected.

You will then be prompted with a series of questions to configure the Entry Lock.

Because Double Bore was selected, you are further prompted with a Deadbolt Question. The finishes are automatically constrained to the Entry Lock Selection.

The Strike Jamb Prep options are constrained to Schlage Standard Prep and No Prep.

A new question of “Sill Pan” was also added. Single Doors are constrained to 3’0” Single Wide Sill Pans. Units with Sidelites and Double Units will be constrained to 6’0” Wide Sill Pans. Sill Pans only offered if the Jamb Depth is 4-9/16” and 6-9/16”.

While one item was continuously configured, it contains 4 line items: Door Unit, Sill Pan, Entry Lock, Deadbolt Lock.

If you have the permission “Can see Cost” each line item will have a Display Cost. Each component will show cost according to Reeb’s Discount Structure.

When a printed quote is desired, each component will display in the Print Quote.

When looking at a Pricing Template we can see each item is set to the following:

  • Smooth-Star 25 Margin
  • Schlage Locks 50 Margin
  • Reeb Parts (Sill Pan) 75 Margin

The List and Sell Price are currently the same as the List Price is calculated before the Pricing Template is Applied.

When the Pricing Template is Applied to the Project, ONLY the Smooth-Star margin (25) is Applied to the Entire Project including each Related Item.

If each item were added separately, you would see each item with its appropriate margin applied.

However, all Related Items display the SAME Cost whether in configured as one item or configured separately.

For any questions please contact your Reeb Territory Sales Manager.

Updated on November 26, 2024

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