Authentic primed stile and rail doors offer a level of detail and definition that cannot be matched. Stile and rail construction is referred to as architecturally correct and provides crisp shadow lines and highly defined panel details resulting in a high end looking product. Painting an interior primed door provides a way to match the design of the home.

- Stiles have a solid engineered core for added strength and stability.
- The rails are also made of solid engineered core.
- Panels can be MDF to create a solid door or glass to create a French door.
- Dowel pins are used to join the stiles and rails together.
- An MDF veneer is added over the core to create a smooth staining or painting surface.
Architectural Correctness
Each door is made with perfectly proportioned stiles, rails, and panels that are created individually to ensure that every door looks balanced and is pleasing to the eye.

Sharp Detail
Door components in a primed stile and rail door are separate components that are joined together with dowel pins, creating sharp shadow lines and greater definition.

Dowel Pins
Traditional dowel pin construction creates a secure joint, connecting stile and rail components together.

Panel Design
Doors can be designed with flat or raised panels. The panels in a primed stile and rail door are made from MDF. Different sticking options are also available depending on the style.
Flat Panel

Raised Panel

Solid Engineered Core
The interior of a primed stile and rail door has a solid engineered core adding stability and reducing sound transmission. A solid engineered core is defined as multiple pieces of wood joined together to create a solid wood door without being solid components. This is beneficial when comparing Primed Stile and Rail Doors with Solid Core Molded Doors.

A high-quality MDF veneer is applied on top of the core for a perfect painting surface.

The surface of the door is smooth for painting.