FrameSaver jambs, or frames, are comprised of blocks of wood finger-jointed together. At the bottom of each jamb leg is a composite block that will not absorb water, warp, crack or rot. The frame components are primed with an embossment in the frame to showcase the FrameSaver logo. It can be painted just like wood, which makes it a great upgrade from the standard frame option.

Reeb Finish
This jamb species cannot be finished by Reeb Finish.
4-9/16”, 6-9/16”, and 9-1/16” FrameSaver jambs can be used with single doors, double doors, doors with one sidelite and doors with two sidelites. Standard size 4-9/16” and 6-9/16” jambs can also be used for a 2 door or 3 door patio unit. FrameSaver can also be used to create vented sidelite units.
FrameSaver jambs are available in stock sizes, 4-9/16”, 6-9/16”, and 9-1/16”.
All standard heights are available for this type of frame.
Exterior Casing
FrameSaver Brickmould and flat casing are available as an exterior trim. The Brickmould will be 2” or 3” in width. The flat casing is 5/4×4 (actual measurement of 1” x 3-1/2”).