Classic Craft Mahogany-grained 3/4 lite flush-glazed doors bring an updated look to virtually any home. Classic Craft Walnut doors feature a horizontal grain with natural movement accented by delicate arches and cathedrals.

Shaker-style Fiber-Classic and Smooth-Star Craftsman doors and sidelites are available with flush-glazed Saratoga decorative glass. A myriad of other craftsman lites are now available with a modern appeal due to the flat frame. The popular Shaker-style look expands to include 7’0” heights, bringing this on-trend design to more homes and feature an elevated bottom rail for ADA applications.

White Pine
Our offering of white pine doors is discontinued. If the customer wants a panel door, please refer them to our Ponderosa Pine Doors. If the customer wants a clear glass door, please refer them to our Ponderosa Pine Doors. If the customer wants a frit glass door, please inform them we are replacing the white pine with plantation pine frit glass doors which will arrive later this year.

Pinless Nantucket
Simpson has launched a new option of a Pinless Nantucket door. These doors have the same stile-and-rail construction, but use a taller, grooved tenon that grips the mortise pocket.

With this joinery method, the door looks like a normal door but has the same performance as a Nantucket door. It maintains a 10-year warranty with no overhang required. Reeb will be adding 6 Pinless Nantucket doors along with their accompanying sidelites into stock.