There are different Groove designs that are available for MDF doors. It is important to know which grooves are available for which door styles. All groove styles are available for the Encore line but only the Standard V-Groove is available for the Ovation and Bravo lines.
Standard “V” Grove
The size is ¼” wide at the face and 3/32” deep. This is the only v-groove design they offer.
West Groove
West Grove matches Masonites “West End Series”. It is a very small grove with a slight angled side. Size is 5/32” wide by 1/16” deep.
Square Groove
This grove can be customized but has limitations of ¼” minimum width at the face and 3/16” maximum depth. ABS can provide more information on custom sizes.
Ovation doors can only have the standard v-groove for 1-3/8″ and 1-3/4″ doors.
Bravo doors can only have the standard v-groove for 1-3/8″ and 1-3/4″ doors. They can accommodate a standard 4-goove routes in the vertical orientation only with either a flat panel or raised panel layout
Encore doors can have the standard v-groove and the west groove for 1-3/8″ and 1-3/4″ doors, but can only have the square groove for the 1-3/4″ doors.