PermaRail Plus® Railing System is a beautiful way to tie the whole porch look together. It is made up of several different components, allowing the ability to create designs that match the home. Easy to install, this worry-free railing system is a beautiful, low maintenance addition to the porch or deck for generations to come. All rail sections are suitable for use with PermaCast® columns, PermaRail Plus® newels, or PermaPost®.





PermaRail Plus is available in kits, components, and ready to install pre-built sections. It is compliant with IBS up to 10′ in length and IRC in lengths up to 12′. This railing system is durable, low maintenance, and comes prefinished with no painting required. With rail heights of 36 and 42″, this railing system will fit your desired height. Balusters come in 1.25 and 1.5″ square sizes and a turned baluster option. Four top rail options make it even more customizable. Rake rails and level rails are available.