When hanging a door with louvers, we need to know if the blind side should be to the hinge or stop side. The blind side is the side where the louvers run down and you can’t see into the next room.
To understand the concept of the hinge and stop side, a video showcasing this concept was created.
Click here to view and learn more.
The door in this scenario is a right-hand door swinging into Room 1.
The hinges would be on seen in Room 1, while the stop would be seen in Room 2.

If we didn’t want to see into Room 2, we would want the blind side to the hinge side. If the blind side was to the stop side, the louvers would run up in Room 1, allowing you to see into Room 2– but not Room 1.

Blind Side

Non-Blind Side
Here we have a right-hand door swinging into Room 4.
The hinges would be in Room 4 and the stop in Room 3.

If we didn’t want to see into Room 4, we would want the blind side to the stop side.
Louvers doors are not the only door type where the stop or hinge side must be specified.
Click here to view a video on hanging a door with readable glass.
Click here to view a video on hanging a barn door.
Click here to view a video on hanging a door with textured glass.